Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hello y'all. Back from Manchester and feeling freaking awesome and revitalised. A super nice city (& country, UK was kick-ass!) with great people and superb weather. I've not got much to say cause it's just as it is; splendid. Managed to live out a little dream of mine by visiting Old Trafford! I'd say it was a short but enriching experience, visiting Windsor castle and that tiny bit of Beatles history at Liverpool. Just keeps me wondering how it would have been like if I was born in the other side of the world.

No man is bigger than the club, remember that Ron!

Windsor castle!

Streets of Manchester!

City of Manchester!

Told you I was happy! Spastic smile!

Alright, these are all the pictures I'm putting up from the trip; little yes, but sufficient. Now the night beckons, but my body is still 7 hours behind. Good day to you Singapore.