"Whether you think you can or cannot, you're right."
Belief. Being the single quintessential reason why people succeed or flop in life.
This past week has been really challenging. There have been moments where I just question the validity of my reasonings for persevering. In such instances, I'd consider myself to be lucky, having great people around who keep my resolve deeply intact and rooted.
There was the single damning question of friendships. What with that whole new world evolving in school, life ain't no clockwork, that we could turn back to those silly times in secondary school. We seek for greater autonomy yet there are those gossip hounds out there that just won't leave you alone.
I guess that's why I have an affinity with the disabled. They seem to understand that everyone around them is special, that everyday is a gift. Isn't it a pity that we, in our youth, forget all these. Why can't society just mature? To settle for less, to be in control of their wealth.
For now, I'm just happy to be alive and kicking. I know God is preparing me for a huge battle. All these adversities that have headed my way are nothing. Please, don't sympathise with my plight. I'm not unfortunate at all, quite frankly, the opposite. Let ugly rear its uglier side, I'm ready for more.