Monday, March 31, 2008

"The opposite of love isn't hate - it's indifference. If you hate me, that means you still care." Marcia Cross on Desperate Housewives.

Yesterday should have been non-existent. I was suppose to go looking for my Othello guide book when I freaking lost my wallet on the bus! ARGH! Nightmare man. Ended up having to walk back home, in the rain. Such an appropriate setting for a stupid day.

And that means I've gotta get around with my sister's E-Z link card. I hope.

Anyway, I've been reading quite a bit lately, and I didn't know how much I didn't know. Like I didn't know Forrest Gump was actually a movie. Or that the character said, "Life is like a box of chocholates." Which was what the scholar said during her speech on Friday. Hmm, interesting person ain't she. I hope she learns how to speak just a little softer when she's on the microphone, geez.

Nor did I know that Madonna actually collaborated with Justin Timberlake on her new album. Or the fact that Fall Out Boy and John Mayer covered "Beat It" (sounds atrocious for your information). Alright, maybe the latter two won't be of much help in your GP essays. How about that singing toilet in Japan? Uh-huh. Bet that caught you off-guard.

I've been trying to wrap my Othello text for the past half hour and to be honest, I don't actually know where to begin. The cover is just damn nice, I don't feel like touching it.

I've gotta run, to bed.