Friday, March 14, 2008

Hello y'all. The March holidays has been really interesting. I'd thought it would turn out to be one of those whereby you just get glued to your bed. Turn out to be quite the opposite, I was just yearning to be back on my bed!

Anyhow, it started with the soccer trip to Kuala Lumpur on Friday right after school. The bus trip wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There was chapel followed by sing-along sessions and of course PSP! HAHA! 6 hours to and fro! As a whole, the trip was pretty alright I guess, just that I didn't get play time. AAAAH. I really need my fitness back! More runs on the track next week! I desperately want to play during the season which is like in two weeks time. (When the Saints go marching in...)

Paolo's birthday surprise at CJC was the bomb! The expression when he saw me was priceless. HAHA. I'm just really happy he enjoyed the entire day. My best buddy, 17th birthday. Amazing. After which there was the 08A07 (2nd intake) chalet! Which was quite weird, cause we haven't really had time to bond previously. Now that I've discovered some of the cheeky stuff they've been up to, HEHE. Then there was 4E6 reunion barbecue at ECP. The weather was horrendous, the place was utterly wet and disgusting. BUT, my ex-classmates are the best-est people. Catching up with them can be considered orgasmic! Like Muse! Anyway, seeing everyone so happy together warms my insides like a good apple pie! Unfortunately I had to miss 08A07's (1st intake) outing on Friday. Boo.

All of this gatherings/outings that took place had to of course revolve around my trainings which was a resident event during the week. No complains though, just that these trainings are draining me. I want to rediscover the exact same passion and love I had for soccer when I was in primary school. Those were the days I made my parents send me to school 3 hours (!) before the start of lessons to play soccer!

Now, here I am, on a Sunday night, mentally exhausted from studying since yesterday (which happened to be the first time during the holidays that I was free.) And I think I lost the John Sloman book I borrowed from the MRL. Damn, that book costs over 50 bucks.

Now that's what I call SPIRIT. 4E6, 07!
Saints never hang up their halos! (ALIENS KIDNAPPING ME!)

'God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light.'