Monday, March 24, 2008

Dear God,

I pray that you would look after all of my friends and protect them. I pray that you'll keep them happy at all times and that the sadness that some are experiencing now would soon be lifted. It hurts to see some of them not be enthusiastic about their time in Junior College.

Be it the challenges they face with their new classmates or coping with the workload, I pray that you would give them strength, courage and patience to deal with them. Though I've not be all too optimistic about life these past few weeks, you have always comforted me whenever I close that door on myself. I pray that you would also give me wisdom in comforting them and on my part, I shall do more to brighten their lives.

Oh God,

I also pray for those I've consciously/unconsciously offended these past three months. I thoroughly acknowledge the fact that I'm far from perfect but some of the things I've done, some of the things I've said, could have been refined or better yet, avoided. I pray that you would ease the tension in their lives and reduce the burden that they're facing.

Oh God,

I also pray that you would look after my teammates as we begin our tournament. I pray that you would protect them from any harm and injuries and that no matter the outcome, we would forever treasure our friendships.

I love you people.